
Showing posts from January, 2019
As a Colombian citizen by birth and an American Citizen by choice and have lived half of my life in each country I think I can bring a different perspective of the events happening today. I'm very worried that United States my adopted country is moving in a direction that is making it more similar to the Latin American Countries with an increase social gap and with the wealth accumulating in a smaller percentage of the population, this model doesn't work and the proof is the Latin American countries; when I was growing up in Colombia 95% of the wealth was in 5% of the population, your future was set no by your merits but the family you were born in, your success in life was set more by your social status that your own merits, and I sadly I'm seeing a similar trend in United States, just look the price of tuition for college making more difficult to people to attend, how much human talent are we wasting as a society because poor smart kids cannot afford to attend?, we can to